How will we cope with more Part-timers?

Omega Pegasus Ω
2 min readMar 3, 2021

A Timetabling Special from Chris Johnson from TimeTabler — Part 1 of 2

Part 1 from guest writer Chris Johnson from TimeTabler, talking about a research project the team undertook in 2020 (Yes, that year!) to understand trends towards timetabling for part-time teachers

“It seems clear that schools in the future will have many more part-time teachers. Not just because of their experiences during COVID-19 but also for other social reasons, many teachers are looking to change their work/life balance.

Some schools already have 40% of their staff Part-time; can my school cope with that many or more?

And if someone approaches me, as a Headteacher, asking to go part-time, how do I best respond and what limitations do I need to place upon a “yes”?

What factors do I need to be aware of, to maintain morale among part-time staff?

And if part-time teaching or a job-share causes split-teaching in my school, how should I address parental concerns?

A year-long project funded by DfE and Nesta looked at these questions, and we at TimeTabler created a free white paper to address all of these points in detail.



Omega Pegasus Ω

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